Special Occasions



Here's a collection of cool photos.

Christmas and Thanksgivng at Uncle Gary's

Pete and Amanda- Dale's daughter and hubby

Graham, Amanda and Naomi - Dale's grandson, daughter and Tim's wife/ Graham's mom.

Sandy, Dale and Charlie - Dale's wife and Grandson

Graham, Charlie, Aunika, Ethan, Easton and Claire - all are Dale's grandkids, except Easton. He is Carol's. The bald guy in the back is Sandy's sister's husband - David

Sarah - Dale's daughter and husbands Richard

Easton and Spencer - Carol's grandson and Dale's grandson

Morgan and Paul - Carol's daughter and Dale's final kid

Chris and Carol - Carol's hubby
Tim and Naomi- Dale's son and wife
Hey! Check out Charlotte's trip to Carol's house in Spokane! Click on the above picture to enter Charlotte's Picasa site. Wow! Check out the family reunion at Melba, Idaho, spring 2010.