Reunion Page



Here's a collection of cool photos from recent family gatherings.

Some fun pictures of the family together.

Aunt Clarice in a sunny spot - 2010

Alicia, London and Felicia (Sue's granddaughters) - 2010

Cousin Sharon - 2010

Adri and London (London is Nikki's daughter - Susie's granddaughter) - 2010

Don't look now Aunt Clarice! .....But that looks like Cousin Sharon raiding the ice box! :o) - 2010

No, Uncle Gene! You have to wait like everyone else! - 2010

An-ti-ci-paa-aa-tion is makin’ me wait. - 2010

Jen and Matt's daughter, Adri - 2010
Aunt Lola busy in the kitchen with ham in the oven… and turkey on the way! :o) - 2010
Aunt Margaret checking goodies in the microwave. - 2010 Ouch... ouch... ouch... Hot beans! Hot beans! - 2010
Johnny, Sharon's husband - 2010 Aunt Lorene and Uncle Gene - 2010
Aunt Margaret and Cousin Yvonne discussing "Microwaving 101" - 2010 Aunt Lola and Cousin Jen - 2010
Danny, Susie's husband - 2010 Cousins Yvonne, Susie, and Sharon - 2010 Finger lickin' good... It was all worth waiting for! - 2010
Aunt Clarice and Aunt Lola - 2010 Matt and Adri - 2010
Sharon, London, Nikki, and Susie - 2010 Susie, Edwin, and Sharon - 2010
Uncle Gene, Edwin, Matt and Adri - 2010 Yvonne, Susie, Edwin and Sharon - 2010
Cousin Susie and son Chase - 2010 Susie, Nikki, Felicia, Chase, Alicia (and granddaughters including London that I will get names for :o) - 2010
Jen and Sharon, Susie and Nikki - 2010 Lunch at Aunt Lola's - 2011
Photo of the ladies - Idaho Reunion, 2011