The Ol' Homestead



Here Are Some Places Our Ancestors Have Lived

Grandpa Arthur Lee made a trip back to the family homesteads in 1956 and took these photos. The captions below the photos were hand written on the back of each photo.


Durfa Lee - Kansas Homestead

This is a photo of Durfa and Alice (Whipple) Lee's home. After they were married, Durfa and Alice apparently moved away for a short time, because Arthur is shown to be born in Lenora, Norton County, KS, which is the county next to Graham County. Then they apparently moved back and built a house near the house that Alice's father and mother lived in.

Whipple Homestead - East Side

This photo is of Daniel Whipple's house. The interesting thing is the description of the funeral and burial of Lucinda Whipple in a private grave on the property. She supposedly died about 1893, when Arthur would have been 4 years old, so this has to be one of his earliest memories. Arthur located the grave in 1956 and hopefully someday one of us can relocate it so it won't be lost forever.

Whipple Homestead - South End

This photo is also of Daniel and Lucinda Whipple's (Alice's parents)house.
From Arthur's note on back, they apparently homesteaded in 1878 and built the house in 1883. (Durfa and Alice were married in 1888). The Whipples must have had some money as the house appears to be a well built block house.